Version 1
The present Quality Policy document applies to HELLOWORLD IDIOTIKI KEFALAIOUCHIKI ETAIREIA (HELLOWORLD I.K.E., HELLOWORLD P.C.) where EUID is ELGEMI.148558401000.
Top management has implemented and operates a Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015, with respect to the Quality of its provided services,
The scope of the System is the production of software prototypes, network management services. More specifically:
- The design, production, implementation, development, management, commercial use, exploitation, sale and maintenance of software, computer programs (source codes), computer applications, internet and mobile phones, computer platforms and websites ("products"),
- the provision of consulting and educational services and technical support services to customers,
- the development and certification of know- how related to the company's scope of activities,
- the provision of research and experimental development services in IT and technology,
- the provision of technical studies for IT and technology products,
- the design, development, purchase, sale, import and export of software licenses,
- the provision of all kinds of consulting services to organizations, public services and private enterprises regarding information, electromechanical, energy and telecommunication facilities and applications,
- the printing, circulation & sale of technical publications related to the subject of the company,
- the organization of technical seminars for the training and specialization of executives in the use, operation & maintenance of systems related to its object,
- any other activity directly or indirectly related to the above purposes.
The Company aims to continuously improve the quality of its products and services by effectively addressing challenges such as:
- Continuous improvement of the services provided in the field of applications, design and implementation of both general and specialized applications per client, with the aim of optimal satisfaction.
- Further development of partnerships and expansion of its activities and creation of communication channel at all levels to understand the requirements of the interested parties.
- Effective monitoring of the Legislation and its application in its fields of activity.
- Continuous training and utilization of human resources.
- Research and development of new technologies and the acquisition of know- how for a more complete processing of tasks and meeting the needs and requirements of customers
The Management of HELLOWORLD P.C.. commits to the following:
- The systematic monitoring and compliance with the regulatory and legislative requirements related to its operation.
- Continuously informing the interested parties (suppliers, customers, partners, employees, general public) on issues related to the quality of services.
- Encouraging employees for their active participation, on an individual and group level, with the aim of improving the working environment and further developing their quality capabilities.
- The continuous effort to improve and standardize its operating procedures.
- The implementation and continuous improvement of the Quality Management System.
The Quality Management System of HELLOWORLD PC. is fully controlled by the
Quality Manager and the Company's Top Management, reviewed and revised if
deemed necessary. In addition, it is a duty to involve all the Company's employees for
the effective implementation and continuous improvement of the system. As a result of
the above, HELLOWORLD PC. is able to guarantee and commit to the observance of
all required processes.
This policy is available and communicated to every employee of the Company as well
as to every other interested party (customers, suppliers, partners, government,
society) in any way of communication the Company deems appropriate, making them helpful in its work. Last update was in December 2023.